Rebel Forces Have Landed

At long last, the much anticipated Java class I’ve been wanting to take all year in 2006 finally started on Tuesday. After having played with PHP for 4 years, I’ve finally felt the need to pick up something else for a change. Partly, my cousin Alex is to “blame” for pushing me into Java for its enterprise-readiness.

A couple of interesting statistics about this class:

1. A typically uber-geek class has almost 1/2 of the students being women.
2. Everyone else in the class has either an IBM ThinkPad or some sort of loser Dell laptop. I am the lone Mac user in the class with the only Mac laptop (yoohoo!).
3. Everyone else planned on coding Java using Windows; I am the only person using Mac OSX (yoohoo!) while one other guy is using Solaris.

Hopefully this class will worth its weight in tofu. I had the same instructor in a previous database design class, and that class turned out to be very “profitable” for me. So hopefully I’ll be able to make what I learn here equally successful economically. đŸ™‚