Happiest Toddler, Hopfully

A while ago, Brian and Birgit recommended “The Happiest Toddler on the Block” as a reading reference for dealing with the infamous “terrible two” tantrums. They said the book will show Grace and I some insight on, not only how to deal with the tantrums, but also reasons why some of those emotional mood swings take place.

Bryan has been showing some classic signs of emotional yo-yos. So I decided it was time to pick up the book and get into it with some substance. Luckily I was able to get a copy from the library. And as my luck would have it, I picked up another one from Craigslist for $4! So now Grace and I can read the same book simultaneously…

Incidently there’s also a DVD for it. Unfortunately the library copy was so scratched up that it was unplayable. And I guess it’s not enough of a money maker that our local Blockbuster stores also don’t carry it… Tough luck…

I also got some audio books that Brian has been trying to get me to read the book versions of, some of which are by Malcolm Gladwell, which have been on my reading list for the longest time. Bless good public libraries.