
I’ve been dying to upgrade my aging PowerBook for about 8 months now. Even though I think its recent slowdown is caused by lack of hard drive space (only around 10% left), I am having a hard time finding stuff I can just get rid of without looking back.

Along with my PowerBook, a few things should probably go with it too: a 19″ CRT monitor (hello LCD monitor), a carpal-tunnel-syndrome causing mouse (umm, ergonomic mouse would be nice) and an old 802.11b wireless router/access point (which is now half broken). With one of those Intel Macs, many things I couldn’t do easily before will suddenly become possible (and obligatory) — like finally finish editing my wedding video.

I told Murdza I ran out of excuses not to get a new MacBook Pro. But I think I just came up with a few:

1. Would be nice to have Leopard shipped with it;
2. Would be great if video RAM was 256MB 512MB like some of Dell’s line ups;
3. Wouldn’t hurt if the LCD actually packed in more resolution like its PC counterparts;
4. Would love to finally know what file system Apple is eventually moving to;
5. I wish I had a great backup NAS drive for my home network.