
Wow… I can’t believe I went for 3 weeks without posting anything!

First some stuff on Bryan… He’s now practically a toddler with new vocabulary that continue to surprise us on daily basis. Even though we speak Mandarin to him 99% of the time at home, he seems to understand a whole lot of English words whenever Grace converses with the neighbor.

Speaking of languages, now we set Bryan’s Baby Einstein DVDs to French so that all three of us can learn it together from scratch. But boy, we really murdered some of those French pronunciations… Can you say “refrigerator” in French? Yikes! (For you German speakers, I can’t even begin to imagine what it is!). And all the “le, la, les and l’xxx” are confusing me. This makes me want to go back and dig out the French edition of my Rosetta Stone language DVD.

Also, Bryan is showing some early signs of “Terrible Twos”. He’s become very fussy and demanding of what he wants (and wants 5 minutes ago!) even though he has very limited vocabulary — no matter; action speak louder than words! I read somewhere that the “.5s” are even worse sometimes.

Bryan looks like a big rat in that Kangaroo costume… but CUTE nonetheless!
Kangaroo Costume

Discovery of H2O…
Discovering H2O