Dream Toy

The much anticipated and rumored replacement of Fujifilm’s S3 Pro DSLR was finally unveiled today. But instead of the usual increment to “S4”, Fujifilm decided to call this upgrade the “S5″…. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Japanese don’t really like the number “4”?

Anyway… the features were a little disappointing for a high end toy. I was looking forward to this upgrade since the S3 was considered my dream toy when it was first released. At my wedding, two out of the three professional photographers there had the S2 (the other guy had a Nikon)! I guess that says something about Fujifilm’s professional cameras.

Even though the price isn’t available yet, I have a feeling it’s going to be at around $2500 to $3000. That was how much the S3 cost when it first came out. But then the price has been dropped to around $1500 after about 2 years being in the market.

Fujifilm S5 Pro DSLR