Baby Language

We are beginning to think that Bryan is a “talker”…. maybe it’s from all the phone excited phone conversations she had when she had Bryan that he picked up his exceptional skills with words. He can now comprehend and “speak” quite a few of the words that matter to him (“milk”, “mama”, “wua-wua” [one of the cats], and “mumum” [I want to eat whatever you are eating]). But there’s one word that he probably invented that we haven’t been able to figure out what it meant… maybe some of you parent-readers know what it is… “ah-boo-tchee”…

It’s been studied that babies who know of no spoken language can indeed communicate with each other with their seemingly innocent and meaningless talks.

Maybe the adult langauge is the stupid stuff. Maybe the baby langage is so much more supreme that we are actually dumbing them down to our tedious, boundary-driven and rules based languages.