More Car Woes

As Professor Farnsworth would put it, “Good news, everyone. We are going to get a new car!”

After Tibor did the initial quick fix with the transmission, everything went well for a few days. Then yesterday the transmission decided it was going to work only in the 3rd gear and nothing else (not even 1st or 2nd gear). Literally. Even “neutral” and “reverse” gears simultaneously decided they were “park”. I almost got stuck in a parking lot and couldn’t get out because I had no “reverse”… As a result, I came to the conclusion that a car without “reverse” is pretty useless (unless it’s a tank or, similarly, a Humvee). It’s kind of like driving a car that can only turn left….

To make the long story short, I made it all the way from Hayward to Tibor’s shop in Mt. View…. in third gear. Imagine the massive amount of gas I wasted.

Maybe poor people aren’t meant to have cars. Maybe this is a sign that we should start getting used to the San Jose public transit system.