A Master, Finally

I got up early today for my micro-economics. And then I came home only to find out that Widodo and Hanny had invited us to their BBQ… Watched Spiderman 2 again… It was a pretty relaxing Saturday.

Tired, exhausted and eyes seriously itchy from the seasonal allergy, I came home to seeing a big, white envalope with a huge SCAD logo sticking out of the mailbox.

It could only be one thing… But… it couldn’t be. Katharine Harris told me she only sent out my diploma on May 18. How could it have arrived within 2 days all the way from the East Coast?

But sure enough, it was my Master of Fine Arts diploma for Interactive Design and Game Development.

SCAD MFA Diploma

Now only if I have a good/big enough body of work to land on one of those “interactive design” teaching positions…

Either way, I am pretty psyched about finally getting this damn degree after having started the program back 1998. Then in 2000, a startup came calling and subsequently occupied all of my attention when I was merely one class away from completing the degree (only this startup story didn’t end quite as “romantically” ).

Fast forward to 2005: After 5 years of nagging from my mom, laughters from Murdza and hundreds of “are you done with your thesis” inquiries, I finally re-enrolled in SCAD’s e-learning system (which, by the way, is far more superior copmared to UC System), took a make-up class and finally finished my thesis in Feburary, 2006.

SCAD could have been really nasty, greedy (as many people contend that it is) and made me take all kinds of classes to make up for the 5 years I was away from the program. But it turned out that SCAD’s support system worked extremely efficiently and took care of me and my degree. Most impressively, all this was done via correspondence through emails, phone calls and official documents from SCAD. This is the kind of stuff that makes me endorse SCAD and [most of] its staff/faculty without any inhibition*.

One Master down, what’s next?

* If anyone from SCAD’s administration is reading this, please get rid of Jeff Jones. He’s one useless scum who’s ruining SCAD’s reputation everytime he deals with another human being on behalf of SCAD. Seriously, ask any International student and get the true story.