Trading Up

Some dude in Canada has been using a paper clip to try to trade up to a house (eventually). He’s been doing a pretty good job at getting that goal… If you are into “MySpace”, this is him.

An excerpt from C | Net:

MacDonald, 26, currently lives in Montreal and has spent the last year doing odd jobs and traveling. But the project that began as a throwback to “bigger and better,” a game he and his friends played as children, has now become his full-time occupation. And it’s allowed him to spawn a Net cult following that’s hoping he’ll succeed. Popular blogs such as boingboing have been tracking his progress for months.

MacDonald’s trades have gone as follows:

• Paper clip for a fish-shaped pen
• Fish-shaped pen for a clay doorknob with a funny face on it
• Clay doorknob for a camping stove
• Stove for a generator
• Generator for an “instant party”
• Instant party for a snowmobile
• Snowmobile for an all-expenses-paid trip to Yahk, British Columbia
• Yahk trip for a panel van
• Van for a recording contract
• Recording contract for the year of free rent in Phoenix

Pretty crazy and GOOD idea!

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