New Google Search Interface

I have not done a “Geek”, I mean, truly dorky geeky, entry for weeks. So here it goes…

Apparently Google has been working on a new user interface for its famously simple (read: bland but fast) user interface. For months, I have noticed Grace’s Camino browser always produces a different Google UI. At first I thought that’s one of those perks Camino offers as a browser. But now I know it’s probably some kind of deal struck by the Camino project and Google to test out the new UI.

If you are anxious to try out the new Google UI, Ars Technica has a hack, which I will go over below.

New Google UI under Camino
This is the new Google UI I have been seeing on Camino.

New Google UI after the Javascript tweak
This is the new UI after a one-line tweaking on your browser…

Here’s how you will get the new Google UI according to Ars Technica.

1. Go to Google using any browser
2. In the address bar of your browser, copy/paste the following code in ONE LINE with no spaces (this could mean copy/paste 3 separate times):


3. Hit enter and click on “OK” on the message that appears.
4. Start searching and enjoy the new UI!