Alicia to the Rescue

Monday was an eventful day. After trying for a week to get Baobao on pills and flea drops, Grace decided it was time to send her to the pros at the vet clinic. Little did we know, even they couldn’t handle Baobao’s aggressive attitude towards strangers. Not long after Grace dropped her off, she got a call from the vet’s office to pick her up… By then, I was already on my way to Valleyjo for my consulting gig.

Grace had to call Alicia to get a rid to the vet’s office to pick up Baobao because the loaner car from Michelle couldn’t fit Bryan’s car seat. And thankfully, Alicia was able to rush to San Jose all the way from Menlo Park to fetch Baobao. After hours of hissing and restlessness in her cage, Baobao meowed with a relief when she heard Grace calling her name.

Unfortunately, Baobao never learned her lesson; she’s still difficult to handle when it comes to feeding her pills. So this time we got a different brand of flea drop (Advantage, which supposedly works far better than Hartz, the first brand we tried) and continued our quest to be rid of the fleas.