Baby Signing

Bryan had the first class of his life on Wednesday! It was a baby sign language class where infants and young toddlers learn to use American Sign Language to express their [relatively] exact needs. Learning ASL has been on my “to-do” list since Freshman year at SCAD (having made friends with some hearing-disabled students). It looked like Bryan was going to accomplish something I never did until… until I heard stories of his first day in class…

Grace said Bryan basically slept through the first half of the class being that the class was held during his typical nap time. It was funny to hear that from Grace. I just hope this isn’t foreshadowing of what’s to come for the rest of his student life… 🙁

Hopefully Bryan will at least get to socialize a little more and even make some friends. But from what Grace told me, he had a lot of fun being around with other babies — Good, now I know he’ll be a geek who can socialize… ha!