Flea Cleansing

Is “cleansing” even a politically correct word when used on fleas?

Alicia and Jason brought over their flea comb today.

Wawa was always going to be the easy cat to comb. It’s always been Baobao we haven’t been able to do anything about because of her infamous quick temper. From what I heard, Jason even thought he could hold Baobao with his hiking gloves while putting her over his shoulder. It was a good thing he didn’t try — he would’ve been ripped to shreds, like a piece of paper running through a shredding machine…. zheeeeeeeeeeeee…

Grace has been following Baobao around the house since A&J left. The idea was to tire her out until she falls into deep sleep. That usually gives us about 30 seconds to do whatever we want to do with her before she realizes someone’s messing with her fur and smacks us silly. Too bad there aren’t any safe seductives we can try on her… even for just 10 minutes…

So I guess this means Baobao’s just going to have to take more of those drops at the end of the month (maybe we’ll get another brand)… This cat is a jerk! Damn it….