Make Mac OSX Support Third Party DVD Burners

PatchBurn logo I inherited a nice Sony DVDRW drive (specifically Sony RW DW-U18A) from Kyung when he went back to NYC. Unfortunately Apple has issues with “unauthorized” third party dvd burners working with its apps (iTunes, iDVD… etc) in Panther (OSX 10.3). I couldn’t burn my iTunes playlist or home made DVD movies with it, rending the drive essentially useless with those apps. Fortunately PatchBurn pretty much resolved that problem. It’s a collection of drivers and patch files to allow Apple apps to recognize third party burners. With the release of Tiger (OSX 10.4) though, the drive was supported natively right out of the box without installing PatchBurn. Nonetheless, it’s a very nice collection of patches for Mac OSX before Tiger.