Brian Rediscovered

After almost two months missing in action, Brian finally called today to catch up. We chatted for about an hour about all that has happened in the past two months. I also realized that about 1/4 of our conversation was about our kids! I mean, you would NOT find us talking about children back in the college days when we were hanging out at Gallery Expresso while playing a fine game of chess as Brian drank coffee and I indulged in my cup of hot cocoa. I mean, the topic of children would not even be close to near the vicinity of what we would be talking about. And yet today, we were all over the place about the education systems in Europe, America and Asia. How Brian and Birgit liked Laura’s preschool, and I shared with him that only 3% of all preschools and daycare centers in America are considered decent by NAEYC (National Association for Education of Young Children)… etc.

Dang it… time has changed. In a blink of an eye, so have we. Both Brian and I have transformed into parents who’s obsessed with our children’s success, much like our parents did with us.