RSS Subscriptions to WiredAtom

Just out of curiosity, I pulled the access log from the server to see how many people subscribed to RSS feed to my blog. I was surprised at the result — a whopping 1,400 RSS feeds were served just in the past 4 days alone. I could probably write a shell script to weed out the duplicates to see how many of those feeds are from unique visitors, but I think I am content with just that. I remember pulling the same log and found only 2 feeds a couple of months back.

I hope my thoughts, ideas and day-to-day news are entertaining.

On related news, the Steve Jobs Stanford speech download is still popular. It seems like the downloads have been growing quite rapidly. There are almost 1,000 downloads in the past 4 days. I should do a tally and update the “total downloads” figure on that site. Besides, the page is totally ready for a make-over. Maybe I’ll do that when my homework from SCAD isn’t quite as crazy in a few weeks.