FreeBSD and Stuff

FreeBSD Ever since Kyung got me sign up for Linode, my love affairs with Linux has been steady. At first it was Fedora, then came Slackware, then boldly, I tried the hottest newcomer, Gentoo. It was the fun days of using a VPS to reinstall pretty much anything at any time with just 10 minutes or less. At the end, I settled with Slackware before moving on to ServerBeach for a dedicated server running Debian.

All is well with Linux, but then my cousin, Alex, started planting ideas about FreeBSD in my head (how it’s even closer to a true Unix system and that some of the most popular sites are powered by FreeBSD). At my last job interview with Vicarious Visions, I learned that a lot of their servers are also running on FreeBSD, and plus Mac OSX’s Darwin is based on FreeBSD anyway, I thought it’d worth my time to look into it.

Ever since I lost my job in January, I have had some time in my hands to educate myself on some stuff. But I feel like no matter how much I teach myself, the knowledge is not quite as valuable as if it was applied to realproblems in the field. Hopefully whatever I learned from FreeBSD will help me land my next job, whatever that may be.

I did a quick and dirty install (easier than Slackware, not quite near Fedora’s ease of use though). We’ll see what happens.

其實我在各種不同的 Linux 上花了不少心思去研究和摸索。當然如果在家裡自己一個一個版本的慢慢安裝就太浪費時間了, 還好 Kyung 之前有介紹我用 VPS (虛擬專屬伺服器), 在 VPS 上換裝任何 Linux 版本只要十分鐘! 所以前前後後試了不少種類, 分別有 Fedora, Slackware, Gentoo 和 Debian 等。但是最後還是用 Debian (ServerBeach 只有 Redhat 和 Debian 的選擇)。

後來祝平不斷的向我宣導 FreeBSD 的好處, 說他同學架的站幾乎清一色都是用 FreeBSD çš„… 剛好上上個禮拜去面試那家公司也有不少台 FreeBSD 的伺服器, 我今天心血來潮就試裝了。還好安裝的過程還算簡單 (比 Slackware ç°¡å–®, 但還是沒有 Fedora 好裝就是了)。