Smile, Baby

I am not sure if one-month old infants understand the meaning of “happiness” a smile. But we have been observing Bryan smiling, sometimes even laughing out loud, both when he’s awake and in his dreams. It’s quite a joy to watch him smile (for no particular reason).

What I am finding hard to deal with nowadays is “time”. When Grace is doing house chores, I am usually with Bryan, feeding him or just trying to get him to sleep. Between his waking moments (about every three hours), I am finding it hard to accomplish much in terms of work. Constant interruptions has meant a two day’s worth of project is now taking a week (and more) to do. And because of the interruptions, I have been spending a lot of time getting back into the “groove” to get into the mind frame of whatever projects I was working on.

How do you do it, Brian and Mike? Yo, Mike, you have a 1.5-year-old and a newborn too. How the hell do you get shit done? Now I understand why sometimes I see you online in the middle of the night more often nowadays.