Digital Photo Prints

Costco has probably the cheapest printing service for digital photo. But instead of going to Costco, upload pictures there, and then possibly having to make a second trip to pick the pictures up, they offer an online upload option for pickup later.

Costco Mac plugin

It’s nice to see that Costco (via Snapfish) has a Mac compatible browser plugin for batch upload (beats manual one-by-one upload any day). Sony’s very own ImageStation also has similar features for Mac.

Speaking of pictures, I tried using PictureSync to see if it can make photo sharing any easier on a Mac. Unfortunately, the application is not free among its supported services. So I didn’t bother.

Too bad iPhoto has a really poor “export to web” feature. As of now, my favorite photo export app is PhotoSite TimeSaviour. Not only is it free, the software is also packed with feature that puts iPhoto’s export feature to shame. The only downside is that its GUI can be a bit complicated to figure out. And it seems like the author has stopped developing it. The upside is, once you get the settings figured out, you can save the settings for future use. Excellent~~ (in the tone of George Burns).

UPDATE: I wrote the author of PhotoSite TimeSaviour about future developments of the software. He replied and said:

…I’ve been short of time lately, but I have plans on updating it (with among other things proper CSS-based styling). – Karl B

Sweet. I like the app so much that I even made a Paypal donation. I could really use that css-based styling.