Medical Researches

I guess third degree laceration is not a common thing. Those lacerations are pretty serious deep cuts. But Grace has been doing incredibly well. I haven’t heard any complaints about pain yet.

Right after Bryan’s birth, the hospital approached her with a form asking her to participate in a clinical study, sponsored by Stanford’s medical research arm, to see if treating third degree lacerations with antibiotics will help the wound heal faster. Grace won’t know if she’s receiving the antibiotics for the sake of keeping the research subjective.

Our answer? Whatever it takes to advance the science and medical research, man.

But the story doesn’t end here…

Two days later, a pediatrician showed up at Grace’s nursery and recovery room asking if we’d like to have Bryan participate in another research to see if a certain virus is present in babies (forget the name). This virus can be present with adults and does not do anything. But in infants, it could cause serious damages. Since all she needed was a swab of Bryan’s saliva and nothing else, we agreed. Whatever it takes to advance the science and medical research…. I hope they are not secretly making baby clones out in the labs somewhere… It also made me feel like those doctors are like those bad house-to-house sales people who’d knock on your door to try to get you to buy their latest amazing goods.

Interestingly, this study on the virus was also sponsored by Stanford.