First Moments of Life

Life is a series of events stringed together peppered with coincidences and endless decisions. Birth is one of those times when the choice was not yours, and you have nowhere to go but to simply exist. As parents, we can hope Bryan’s existence is going to be a happy and fulfilled one.

Here’s an account of the first momentss of Bryan’s life immediately after birth… In the absence of a better digital camera, my pathetic Canon S230 would have to make due.

Only seconds after birth, Bryan was brought to a examination station to check on his vitals — heart rate, skin color, respiratory system… etc. A OK on all.
Lying on examining table

What’s going on around me? Why is everything so bright all of a sudden?
A moment of calm before crying starts again

Alien adoption must have felt like this… bright light above the head; strange people surrounding you, taking notes, talking in gibberish….
Lying on examining table

“Jesus Christ! Why is everybody laying her hands on me?”
Lying on examining table

Bath. Shots. More measurements. Note the computer chip on his ankle. It’s to prevent theft. It triggers hospital’s alarm when the baby is removed from the premises without authorized personnel.
Lying on examining table