UFO Paranoia?

BBC News is running an audio interview with the infamous hacker, Gary McKinnon. He reportedly hacked 50 computers that belong to the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army and various other supposedly heavily guarded Defense Department machines in search for UFOs.

Years ago, another fellow named Bob Lazar claimed to have worked at Area 51 and Los Alamos labs and witnessed much of the secrets McKinnon is now telling the world. I saw a T.V. special on this guy and his stories seemed very plausible. He was able to recite details about the labs that only people who have worked there would know. The U.S. government, on the other hand, says they don’t know any Bob Lazar and everything he says can not be substantiated.

Given how seriously the U.S. government is taking the case, one can only wonder if there’s really something to be suspicious of. And the weird thing is, how come most of the computers McKinnon hacked into had blank administrative passwords? If the Defense Department can’t even do what it takes to secure a few computers, it’s no wonder it’s such a mess with what they are doing in the Middle East these days.
