The Interpreter

Saw The Interpreter (Nicole Kidman, Sean Penn) on Tuesday evening at the dollar theatre. I thought the story was okay though it could really lose the “love” chemistry between Kidman and Penn. Kidman was the life of the show with a great performance towards the end of the movie.

After the flick, Grace said “What was that Tom Cruise thinking leaving Nicole Kidman!” I was like, “Hey, you are preaching to the choir!”

When I told Patrick (yes, THE Patrick Melton, winner of last year’s Project Greenlight. More info here and here; not to be confused with the OTHER Patrick Melton, somewhat famous underground PodCaster) I was going to see the movie, he blandly said he heard it was “okay”. But hey, he’s a professional writer; I just wanted to be entertained (mainly because of Nicole Kidman)!

But he’s right. The movie was okay.

Speaking of Patrick, him and his wife, Ee-bin, are coming over for Thanksgiving again this year. We are excited because they’ll be able to see our new baby then! Last year Grace and Ee-bin cooked a crazy turkey which took us almost a week to finish. Patrick and I spent most of our vacation on Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

I wonder what he’s going to bring this year…. (his new iBook is a dead given).