Baby’s Almost Here…

Grace has been noticing some biological and physical changes to her body. This can only mean one thing: The rascal is almost ready to meet see the world! The human body is really a miracle machine. In most cases, when the fetus is ready in its development, somehow (scientists still don’t know how) the body secrets a hormone to make the necessary changes to a woman’s body to prepare her for the birthing ritual.

Grace said that the last time she spoke to Annie, her friend in Australia who was also pregnant at the time, brought up the almost the same symptoms as ones Grace’s experiencing now; and a couple of days later, she gave birth to a healthy girl.

So now we are kicking into the “standby” gear. So Grace washed all the baby cloths and blankets while I helped organized the baby’s crib (mattress, bed sheet, bumps, toys… etc). I might put the infant car seat in the car as well today.

Ah~ the fun is about to begin.