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I have been working on a project non-stop for 2 weeks to get the final features up and running. But I just couldn’t stop squeezing in some good-to-have features to boost the overall “value” of the product a bit. Here’s a short list of what I thought were really slick features:

1. Javascript lightbox: This one feature can probably single-handedly describe what the Web2.0 movement is all about. The BEST part is, integrating Lokesh Dhakar’s code to the project (or ANY project, really) is just a couple of copy and pastes and one line of code change!! That guy is a genius.

2. Recursive delete: This a pretty kick-ass class for recursively deleting whole directory structures even if they are not empty (PHP programming in Unix environments, this is a big deal). My project requires my PHP scripts to interact with physical directories. I thought it’d be a complete waste of my time to write a function/class to do this if someone else’s already got a solid script. Implementing this just took one line of code.

3. Directory compress & backup: I used this script to work in conjunction with “Recursive delete”. Basically before anyone deletes a whole directory, my PHP application will automatically back it up and nicely tug the compressed file in a safe place. Again, this is a kick ass class because it only takes a copy/paste and defining of a couple of variables.

4. Unique ID check via Ajax + PHP: I wrote this myself using an Ajax class I assembled from prior projects. It simply goes to the database and checks if whatever the user ID (or product ID or whatever) already exists. One bug I encountered under Safari was that if


returns nothing from the database (which means the ID the user entered was unique), Safari makes

status undefined


null value

complaints. One way to get past solve this problem is for


to return an empty space via PHP (or whatever language you prefer)… i.e.

echo " "

. Here’s a nice blog about Ajax related issues. This issue is also pretty well documented here though “’s particular trick didn’t solve the problem for me.

5. Multiple file uploads: The Stickman has some really neat references to a handful of technologies I am currently exploring. This “multiple file upload” script isn’t particularly elegant but does its job exceptionally well. I was able to integrate this, along with everything above, into one coherent code base, fortunately.

6. Snif (stands for “simple and nice index file” ) is probably one of the best-looking and utilitarian directory and file index script I have found thus far. There are tons of others that do way too much or too little (some of which cost quite a bit too). The downside of snif is that the code hasn’t been maintained for quite a while, and its forum is littered with more questions than answers. But I did find some nice “mods” to enhance its core functionalities quite a bit. Another problem I had with snif was how hard it was to integrate into my existing code base. That said, snif is still a very solid standalone directory index script though!

7. By accident, I stumbled upon a list of Web2.0 sites from Tucows. I look forward to studying up the latest eye candies these sites offer for my future projects.

So now that most of the core features are done, I just need to find a fast(er) Windows environment to test the css layouts, mostly for IE. I wish IE would just go away so that us web programming types don’t have to deal with Microsoft’s snobbish approach towards web standards. Go Firefox, Opera and Safari.
Apple finally decided to release Core 2 Dual version of MacBook Pro right before Christmas! How kind. I made a pseudo promise that I’d get a MacBook Pro if they upgraded it to Core 2 Dual… not knowing they’d do it before January’s Macworld… But since the budget is kind of tight these days, I will hang on to my trusty old PowerBook G4 until OSX.5 Leopard comes standard with MacBook Pros! Hah!