What Stinks Around Here?

I had to install Bryan’s car seat back to our loaner car after coming back from Los Gatos in Jason’s car on Saturday. But as I was installing it at around 1AM, a terrible smell of burning electric wires rushed through my nose… I stopped for a moment and looked for the source of the smell; nothing.

After I secured Bryan’s car seat, I continued walking around the backyard looking for the source of the foul smell — a strong and unique mixture of burning electric wires, badly burned onions and rotten eggs. Not able to pinpoint the source of the odor, I went back to the apartment and told Grace about it. But then the odor was RIGHT INSIDE the house! Then we both panicked and started sniffing carefully for the source.

Five minutes later (small apartment), we decided nothing was burning inside the house. So I took the flashlight and started sniffing for it outside. Still nothing. Curious and baffled, I questioned if we should call 911 and get the professionals to weigh in on this.

Sitting on my desk, Googling a short description of the smell, I noticed a couple of white spots on my pajamas… EWWWWWW — that was the source of the smell! And man, my head started to spin when the source of the odor was only inches from my nose.

I dashed outside to look for the true culprit and how it got on my pajamas… That’s when Grace and I saw the REAL mastermind behind this criminally intoxicating smell — a skunk. It slowly crawl from hiding on the other side of the car in the carpool…

The damn skunk must have been frightened and sprayed me when I unexpectedly showed up with Bryan’s car seat. Our neighbor has been leaving tons of cat food around in hopes to catch some stray cats (she’s been on a mission to rescue all cats). But lately animals of all kinds have been lining up for her generosity. This kind of act has to stop when it starts to negatively impact other people. So further actions will be taken on that for hygienic, safety and health reasons…

As for me, I threw away everything that was sprayed on except Bryan’s car seat. I am still looking for effective solutions to deodorize and sanitize it. It may very well be that we have to ditch the car seat and just get another one for the sake of hygienes. Maybe our neighbor should help pay for it…

Vegas, A Family Unfriendly City (for Now)

While most of our stay at Vegas was pleasant, there were a few annoying attributes about the city that was quite disturbing:

1. Smokers die hard — literally. Coming from a relatively smoke-free state like California to the Sin City is like I died and fell to smoking hell (no puns intended). There were free second hand smokes on every square inch of the Las Vegas Blvd.

2. Liquor anyone? — Beer bottles were everywhere on Las Vegas Blvd, from one end of the strip to the other. Coupled with clueless college kids with cigarettes, who are out to prove themselves, that’s formula for trouble (and super, super annoyance, especially when they are in groups of three or more).

3. Relatively terrible food — Las Vegas is famous for extravagant buffets. But if you are not into sirloin steaks or meatloaf, the veggie stuff is all pretty much the same. Besides, how many kinds of food can they really serve up in buffets? Let me just say they didn’t even try at places we went to. Ironically, the fatter the people we saw eating the buffets, the less we felt like eating. And then there’s the “Bryan factor.” Whenever we were eating relatively expensive food, he started getting cranky and became Mr. Choosy on what he wanted. But this one time when we decided to grab a quick Panda Express, he was the happiest child on Earth. The upside is, now I know I can make Bryan happy on the cheap.

4. Sex Sells — The free pirates show outside of Treasure Island used to be decent. It was a show about pirates. I mean, how else could “Treasure Island” be interpreted? But I guess some idiot in the TI management figured sex was the next big thing and changed the whole theme with a hidden sexual connotation to it (get it?). Half of the pirate crew was now a bunch of barely dressed, sexy, foxy dancing young girls (not that I am complaining). But that made the whole show stupid and pointless. People actually started leaving about 1/3 into the show.

5. No show (but 2 stupid ones) would allow kids 5 or younger to attend. Com’on… that’s the whole point of going to Las Vegas for non-gamblers or people who aren’t there for businesses!

6. If you have a baby that requires a tub to take bath in, good luck finding a hotel with a tub. This really ticked me off.

7. The air in Vegas is as polluted as those mobile chimneys I talked about in point #1. Some pictures I took have tonnes of dust particles caught by the flash of my camera. I don’t know how anyone can live in that city without getting some kind of respiratory problems.

I took Grace and Bryan to Vegas forgetting there were all these things attached to an adult-oriented themes in every corner of the city. Come to think of it, I think Vegas would make a great vacation spot for bachelors who can’t get laid anywhere else, newly weds looking for a different experience and gamblers who don’t know what else to do with their money. Whatever Las Vegas is, it’s no place for family vacations. That’s for sure.

Sick Days

Grace and Bryan came home from Vegas with a fever. I was okay until the next day… Then I became so sick that I could barely get out of the bed. But then I still had to finish my Java homework and attended my Java class with a 102° fever. And let me say this — listening to programming lecture with a mild fever is a terrible experience. But then I just hate to miss out on the classes I’ve already paid for…

Bryan seems to have recovered already. Hopefully we’ll all feel better tomorrow.


Walking to the parking lot after my Java class today, I was a little surprised the back lot was actually jam packed at 9:00 PM on a weekday. People are really making themselves stay ahead by taking classes these days at the UCSC Extension.

And seeing a parking lot full of nice cars made me feel a little dispirited about where I am in life. I dragged my sorry-ass self to the car, which isn’t even mine (a loaner from Michelle), which was probably the only car on the lot older than 10 years. I sighed, opened the car door, and slouched in the seat for 10 seconds reflecting on our troubles with the immigration, unemployment and life. But thankfully, as I thrust my left foot into the clutch and turned on the engine, the sounds of BBC News on NPR took my mind away from it all.

Coming home to Bryan cheered me up though. How can anyone stay depressed in the presence of little angels?

Why I Ditched Opera (Again)

When Opera 9 came out, I decided to give Opera another shot. After all, it is among the most lightweight browser with one of the faster rendering speeds in the Mac universe. It also has something that most other browsers on Mac OSX lack, good memory control.

Unfortunately, after months of dedicated use, I’ve decided to switch again back to Firefox. Firefox is slower, but at least it’s reliable.

Here’s a list of the reasons I decided Opera still sucks on the Mac:

1. Unstable. And I don’t just mean that it crashes often, but some of its features simply work only sporadically. Take, for example, spell check works only some of the times. Other times (and usually when I needed it the most), the option is just grayed out, unavailable for use. Restarting the browser usually fixes the problem but not always.

2. Weird bugs. This is kind of an extension of the first problem… There are some bugs that show up for no reason; and then they just go away automatically. One of them has to do with clickable links. Sometimes links simply become unclickable for no apparent reason. This is extremely annoying.

3. Not so good ad blocker. In terms of ad blocking, I think Firefox, coupled with GreaseMonkey and Adblock Plus, is still the king — they block out 99% of all my unwanted ads, including those inline underlined ads. Opera has a nice implementation. Unfortunately the execution is still pretty behind in comparison to Firefox. One time it blocked out ALL of the images on Apple Store page, which kind of freaked me out for a second.

4. Opera is still not accepted by some unfriendly sites such as Peerflix. That means I’d have to fire up another browser just to browse those sites and quit again.

Yeah, I know. Four reasons don’t seem like a big deal. But the first 2 reasons alone have annoyed me for a pretty long time. And today when the spell check refused to work again, it was the last draw for me — Opera had to go.

So I am back on the sluggish Firefox. I read the next version is going to be optimized for OSX for sheer speed. I can’t wait!!

GRE Test Nazis

I finally got GRE out of the way yesterday. The whole damn exam lasted just a little under four hours. While the experience wasn’t terribly exhausting, I definitely didn’t enjoy it, espcially when the test center was more or less a exam concentration camp…

Let me explain why… First of all, I had to read a piece of paper with a bunch of disclaimers. Then they made me write, word for word, a long ass statement on I was who I claimed I was and that I would keep all parts of the exam confidential… blah blah. Then I had to sign the damn thing, read the back of the paper (yes, yet more disclaimers) and turn in the paperwork.

Then I had to literally empty out EVERYTHING in my pockets and lock them up in a locker (thankfully it’s free). When I said everything, I meant, EVERYTHING! They wouldn’t even let me keep my chapstick… But damn it, I needed to have moist lips to work properly…

During my 10-minute break after the Issues and Arguments essay, I asked if I could take off my wriest watch and leave it on the desk so that I could keep track of the time. But nooooooo.

So isn’t that just like some kind of concentration camp or what? 😉

I am not too happy with the results of the exam… And then after talking to my cousin, I realized my scores still have room for improvement.

Maybe I’ll have to take it again in March…

Did I mention I hate taking GRE?

Save the U.S. Economy. Ruin the World.

The United Nations released a study on climate change a couple of days ago. The paper, an effort by over 2,000 top scientists from all over the world, claims that recent climate change “likely” caused by human activities.

What a shocker.

Unfortunately the Bush Administration is a bit too busy trying to protect its economy than to think about what his policies are doing to the, um, WORLD! So it begs the question, where is the U.S. economy going to be WITHOUT the world?

Damn I can’t stand dumb presidents.


Maybe I am just not made for coffee… I had a cup of Starbucks this afternoon… and the whole day, it’s made me jumpy, tripped out, cross-wired, messed up… In fact, it’s made me feel tired and drained…

So far the only good coffee experience I’ve had is, of all places, Burger King… No more Starbucks for me… Blah!

This made me think of Murdza and why he’s always so damn efficient…

Keeping in Touch

I think it’s ironic how modern technologies have actually made people worse communicators. The excuses of “convenience factor” in how someone can just pick up the phone and call anytime… or just write an email anytime… are pseudo. What it boils down to is this: you either write or you don’t… you either call or you don’t.

I remember when we moved to Thailand, I instantly got half a dozen penpals from my circle of friends — even ones I didn’t know so well. One nice thing about good old snail mails is the sense of anticipation in waiting for something that someone actually put some effort into doing for you.

Writing a letter, at least for me at that time, really meant something. I’d write when it was calm, usually at night. I’d carefully read through what was in each letter and carefully respond to or spend some time thinking about what I’d write in these letters — each written to suit the personality, ongoing conversation or the mood of that specific letter. And I felt the same thing from the letters I received. I enjoyed that.

Fast forward to the Internet era. Emails have made communication fast and easy. There’s now less “anticipation” factor in waiting. Instead of waiting for days or even weeks, gratification can be had right NOW. But because of this convenience made possible by the technology, I’ve noticed people just become “lazy”… Emails have become trivial. And these emails get shorter and shorter every year.

At first they are “here’s what I’ve been up to” emails. Then they are “just want to say hi”. And then eventually they become links to articles or news with minimal word descriptions. To some people, this is their way of saying, “I thought about you when I saw this,” or “I though you might like this.” But ultimately, even these emails rarely appear in the “inbox” anymore.

I’ve sent quite a bit of emails with links and short blurbs about what I think about something contained in that link to people. But more than likely I’d get cold shoulders. I am not sure if they got it, liked it/didn’t like it, didn’t care for it or they even bothered to open the link(s).

After a while, I stop sending them links or even “hello” emails. It takes two to communicate. Right?

Technology has made life more convenient than ever. Unfortunately, it has also made life busier than ever. Consequently, technology becomes an excuse for not having time of the day to communicate.

But of course there are those who AWALYS have a spare minute to write about or reply to even the most trivial things just to keep a conversation going (you know who you are!). And I think that really kicks ass.